====== Fysetc Catalyst Bullant ====== ===== Übersicht ===== | ^ Catalyst ^ Bullant ^ ^ Repo | https://github.com/FYSETC/Catalyst_Kit_V2.0 | https://github.com/FYSETC/FYSETC_Bullant_V1.0 | ^ Image | https://github.com/FYSETC/Catalyst_Kit_V2.0/blob/449f8a4ea78f707c273e316bcebbfdf13e400e57/software/update_voron0.2_20240108.rar \\ https://github.com/FYSETC/FYSETC-Voron-0.2-Pro/tree/main/0.2%20R1%20V1.1 | https://github.com/FYSETC/FYSETC_Bullant_V1.0/blob/90d78536b823cc0e31b075f60f8dc90145677ea5/software/Bullant_Armbian_OS_Klipper_Build_in_V1.0.rar | ^ User / Password | Default: linaro/linaro, root/root | Default: bullant/armbian, root/armbian | ^ Hostname | maixsense | maixsense | ^ Schaltplan | https://github.com/FYSETC/Catalyst_Kit_V2.0/blob/449f8a4ea78f707c273e316bcebbfdf13e400e57/hardware/CATALYST%20V2.0%20SCH.pdf | https://github.com/FYSETC/FYSETC_Bullant_V1.0/blob/90d78536b823cc0e31b075f60f8dc90145677ea5/Bullant%20V1.0%20SCH.pdf | ^ Pinout | https://github.com/FYSETC/Catalyst_Kit_V2.0/blob/449f8a4ea78f707c273e316bcebbfdf13e400e57/hardware/CATALYST%20V2.0%20PinsOut.png \\ https://github.com/FYSETC/Catalyst_Kit_V2.0/blob/449f8a4ea78f707c273e316bcebbfdf13e400e57/hardware/CATALYST%20V2.0%20%E4%BD%8D%E5%8F%B7%E5%9B%BE.pdf | https://github.com/FYSETC/FYSETC_Bullant_V1.0/blob/90d78536b823cc0e31b075f60f8dc90145677ea5/Bullant%20V1.0%20PNOUT.pdf | ^ CPU / RAM | CM68 core based on RK3568 Quad Core 2GB Ram \\ möglicherweise CM4 kompatibel ?? | Allwinner R329 Dual-Core Cortex-A53 ARM CPU,Sip 256MB DRAM | ^ eMMC Storage | 32GB | - | ^ Network | 1Gb Kein Autonegotiation auf 100mBit | 100mBit | ^ WLAN / Bluetooth | WLAN, Bluetooth | 2.4G WiFi | ^ USB | 2x USB3.0 | 1x USB2.0 | ^ µController | STM32F446 | RP2040 | ^ Treiber | TMC2209 | TMC2209 + GC6609 | ^ RGB | vorhanden | vorhanden | ^ Fans | 3x geregelt bis 24V | 1 Fan | ^ Temp | 3x Temp | 1x Temp | ^ CAN Bus | vorhanden | - | ^ Sonstiges | I2C, SPI, extra 2x UART | | ===== Besonderheiten ===== * keine Aktivitäts LEDs (nur Netzwerkport) * **M36 Boards nicht Pinkompatibel** (Anschluss) * anderes Pinout am Stecker aber gleiche Stecker / Buchse * M36 Boards sehen auch identisch aus * https://github.com/FYSETC/M36_HUB_V1 * keine root Partition mit armbian Konfig * Image für Catalyst laut Pi Imager defekt weil Bytesumme nicht durch 512 teilbar * Catalyst Board geht bei 100MBit Netzwerk nicht Online!! * Zugriff auf Bullant per seriellem Port (für Init) -> unpraktisch * Bullant macht direkt Update nach Erststart -> CPU geblockt * installiertes ''octoeverywhere'' -> Remote Access * Update CM68 * plugin the USB3.0 A-A cable into the interface on the upper layer of the blue USB3.0 socket, * open the "RKDevTool_Release", * hold the recovery button, click the reset button, when the RKDevTool found device, release the 2 buttons * Click the Upgrade Firmware tab, click the Firmware button to select the firmware, and click the Upgrade button to upgrade * Wait for the upgrade to complete. Remember not to cut off the power or unplug the data cable during the process, otherwise the upgrade will fail or even damage the CM68. ==== Linux Lookaround ==== * ''sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt install -y git silversearcher-ag wavemon hexedit sudoku tcpdump iptraf mc htop dcfldd nano usbutils ranger tldr ncdu can-utils multitail fd-find lsof x11vnc terminator minicom cutecom joystick jstest-gtk && mkdir -p ~/.local/share && tldr -u'' * ''cat /etc/os-version'', ''lsb_release -a'' * ''uname -a'' * ''free'', ''htop'' -> Systemauslastung * ''df -h'' * ===== Doom compilieren (chocolate) ===== * basierend auf https://www.chocolate-doom.org/wiki/index.php/Building_Chocolate_Doom_on_Debian * ''sudo apt install -y gcc make libsdl2-dev libsdl2-net-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev automake autoconf libtool git pkg-config'' * ''git clone https://github.com/chocolate-doom/chocolate-doom.git'' * ''cd chocolate-doom && ./autogen.sh'' * ''make -j4'' * ''sudo make install''