====== (E) Autotranslate Youtube Videos ====== ===== Inhalt ===== Just a short video to demonstrate autotranslation of german YouTube videos into another language. ===== YouTube Video #30 ===== {{youtube>noc_jI_FOXI?half}} \\ ===== Anleitung ===== * Switch on the subtitles \\ {{youtube:pasted:20230112-055017.png}} \\ When the red line appears, the subtitles are on. * Click on the gear to change the settings \\ {{youtube:pasted:20230112-055108.png}} * Click on automatic translation \\ {{youtube:pasted:20230112-055134.png}} * Choose the language you need and that's it * Subtitles are trasnlated \\ {{youtube:pasted:20230112-055223.png}} ===== Spenden ===== Wer meinen Kanal und meine Arbeit unterstützen möchte, kann das über folgenden Paypal Link: \\ https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=68UZ68DMENVP6